The truth about hair transplants

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure which involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body to another part, where balding occurs.Common side effects include “shock loss”, which is simply the thinning of the hair, due to the impact of the procedure. Patients should also be aware that 50-100 hairs can be lost every day, so bald patches are very common after this sort of treatment. The loss of the donated hair, and the natural progression of male pattern baldness make this solution to hair loss temporary and not especially effective.Hair transplants are a popular, albeit expensive choice for men suffering from male pattern baldness, hair loss, receding hairlines and thinning crowns. They get seduced by the promise of a lifetime of healthy, thick natural looking hair, and commit to the surgical procedure. These men are vulnerable and often desperate to achieve the scalp coverage that they so covet. Unfortunately, hair transplants are not always reliable. Many do not grow, and the procedure of implanting each hair follicle can actually damage the existing hair. Many men find that hair transplantation surgery actually aggravates their hair loss and they are even less happy with their appearance after the operation than prior to it.It is common for men to feel that the hair is not as thick as they had hoped after the transplants. Many are expecting a full, thick head of lustrous hair, only to find that if the transplants do grow that the hair is thin and brittle.Unfortunately, many surgeons who perform such treatments are opportunists who take advantage of the insecurity that many men feel when faced with hair loss. Many men will do anything it takes to achieve that perfect head of hair, and they are being exploited because of it. Many hair transplantation surgeons state that they cannot guarantee results due to the unpredictability of the process, but every client of theirs goes into the operating theatre with the desperate hope of a successful outcome.Hair transplantation is a painful operation, one that often is repeated many times on the same patient with such unpredictable results. The hair follicles are taken from another area of the body or another part of the head, which can eventually turn bald itself if the procedure is repeated. In almost all cases the transplanted hair falls out immediately after the operation. It is intended to grow back, but this again is not guaranteed.Other side effects include severe post-operative swelling, which is not limited to the head but also the eyes as well. Intense itching and scab formation are also very common and can be unbearable. The procedure itself is very painful and that pain extends through the healing process. Infection can occur in the hair follicles post-surgery, but luckily it is not a common side effect. Hair transplantation can actually cause scarring. The scar tissue can be minimised by a plastic surgeon and more hair follicles transplanted over the scarred area but that seems like a vicious circle of surgery and discomfort. Some patients also experience cysts on the scalp due to follicle and scalp damage. Although usually painless, they are visible when the hair is worn very short, and can also be felt. So if the idea of a beautiful women running her fingers through your new thick head of hair was in mind, you may want to rethink that fantasy.Hair transplantation is, like any surgical procedure, a very dramatic choice. Surgery is usually an option for health issues where there is no alternative, due to the number of implications that come with surgical procedures. Many believe that there are too many risks associated with hair transplants, and without the guarantee of exceptional results, it hardly seems worth all the pain, hassle and potential of even more severe hair loss than you are currently experiencing.

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