What supplements can potentially reduce hair loss?

What supplements can potentially reduce hair loss?

Hair loss is very common, with the average person losing 50-100 hairs per day, but, it can be upsetting and even a symptom of a medical condition. If you’re experiencing a sudden loss, are losing hair in clumps, have developed bald patches or if you’re worried about hair loss you should always speak to your GP.

Why am I experiencing hair loss?

There are many reasons as to why you could be experiencing hair loss and the majority of them are completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. Aging, diet, and lifestyle are the common causes of natural hair loss. In addition to this, things such as stress, anxiety, and depression can all play key roles in the loss of hair. 

There isn’t yet a 100% effective treatment for hair loss but there are many things that can help, including herbal supplements which can contribute towards stronger hair and in turn reduce hair loss. 

What supplements should I be taking?

Here we look into the proven supplements to reduce and prevent hair loss, and how you can take them. 


Biotin (Vitamin B7) is needed to convert food to energy in the body and low levels of it can cause issues such as brittle nails, rashes on the skin, and of course, hair loss. Biotin stimulates keratin production in hair and increases the follicle growth rate. Biotin can be gained through a healthy diet that includes foods such as; whole grains, meat, and eggs. You can also purchase the vitamin in tablet or liquid form from health food shops, chemists, or via a GP prescription (if a higher dose is required).


If a person has low levels of iron they could experience tiredness, fatigue, pale skin, brittle nails, and hair loss. In more extreme cases a person may suffer from amenia. Iron can be found in red meats and leafy greens as a way to get it naturally into the body, but you can also purchase iron tablets from a supermarket, health food store, chemist, or via a GP prescription. 

Vitamin C

A body needs sufficient Vitamin C to create the protein called Collagen, which plays a key role in hair structure. Vitamin C also enables the body to properly absorb iron, which is a necessary mineral for hair growth. Vitamin C can be purchased in supplement form or gained through a diet that includes citrus fruits, leafy greens, and bell peppers. 

Vitamin D 

An important factor Vitamin D plays is it stimulates both old and new hair follicles. Without it, the growth of new hair may be stunted, and low levels of Vitamin D are linked to hair loss and alopecia (an autoimmune condition that can cause hair loss patches or mass hair loss of all parts of the body, including; eyelashes, eyebrows, and pubic hair). You can gain this vitamin through safe sun exposure as well as through taking magnesium, but the most effective way to get an adequate amount of Vitamin D is through supplements. 


Your body doesn’t make Zinc naturally and needs to gain it through food, such as; meat, shellfish, beans, nuts, and seeds, as well as supplements. Zinc is important as it makes proteins in your body’s cells and hair. A Zinc deficiency can show itself in many ways, as well as hair loss you could also experience a weak sense of taste or smell and wounds taking longer to heal. 

What to do next

The sooner you address the symptoms of hair loss, the more likely it will be that you can prevent irreversible damage or have to seek permanent, surgical solutions to hair loss. A healthy diet and an increase of the above vitamins should be enough to keep your hair healthy, thick, and strong without the need for medical intervention. 

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